John F Kennedy in his presidential speech had famously remarked, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Environmental threats are the bane of the civilized world, as humans relentlessly plunder Mother Earth’s flora and fauna and topple the ecological balance.
We at Ashirvad Impex have taken the green pledge. We have sworn to comply with all the ecological norms and exercise prudence in all stages of our business. For every tree that comes under the axe, we plant twice as many saplings to bridge the ecological divide between the haves and the have not. Because, a greener approach is all it takes to safe guard the richness of this planet, for all the future generations to come.
Our Eco system rewards us with adequate rains and calm temperatures only when we are receptive to our ecological conscience. We believe from the innards of our organizational core, in making our wooden timbers, environment friendly products. We believe in the sanctity of the rain forests and do not practice unscientific processes that will pillage the rain forests of their natural splendor and verve. We procure our wood resources from those places that practice sustainable forest management. We understand that our responsibility to mother earth stretches beyond just adopting scientific wood procuring processes and adhering to environmental norms.
Our planet is a gift that cannot be trivialized by bad excesses. Especially so on the ecological front, where man has plundered the rich resources that once dotted this resilient planet, according to his whims and fancies. The time has come now to raise a voice; set new environmental benchmarks and lead from the front to prevent such mistakes from being repeated. Our moral responsibility shouldn’t just be to stifle a tear or two when watching heinous acts of pillage on the environment, on the television. We should lead the change as we are now precariously placed on the cusp of an ecological meltdown. The time to make a difference is now. Come, let’s join hands and restore the grandeur that rightfully belongs to the planet we all inhabit.